CIRTEN is active in EURATOM funded programmes since 1994, participating in R&D as well as in Education & Training projects in the nuclear technology field, also in collaboration with ENEN Association and its members.
Here is the list of projects, related to both R&D and E&T areas, from the most recent back to EU Framework Programme 4 (1994-1998):
Horizon Europe
NRT-2021 > TANDEM “Small Modular ReacTor for a European sAfe aNd Decarbonised Energy Mix”
NRT-2021 > ANSELMUS “Advanced Nuclear Safety Evaluation of Liquid Metal Using Systems”
NRT-2021 > ENEN2plus “Building European Nuclear Competence through continuous Advanced and Structured Education and Training Actions”
NFRP-2020 > PASCAL “Proof of Augmented Safety Conditions in Advanced Liquid-metal-cooled systems”
NFRP-2019 > INNO4GRAPH “INNOvative tools FOR dismantling of GRAPHite moderated nuclear reactors”
NFRP-2018 > ELSMOR “Towards European Licencing of Small Modular Reactors”
NFRP-2016-17 > ENENplus “Attract, Retain and Develop New Nuclear Talents Beyond Academic Curricula”
NFRP-2014-15 > ANNETTE “Advanced Networking for Nuclear Education and Training and Transfer of Expertise”
NFRP-2014-15 > SAMOFAR “A Paradigm Shift in Reactor Safety with the Molten Salt Fast Reactor”
Fission-2013 > PETRUS III “Implementing sustainable E&T programmes in the field of Radioactive Wastes Disposal”
Fission-2013 > ESNII+ “Preparing ESNII for HORIZON 2020”
Fission-2013 > ENEN-RU II “Strengthening of Cooperation and Exchange for Nuclear Education and Training between the European Union and the Russian Federation”
FIssion-2012 > GENTLE “Graduate and Executive Nuclear Training and Lifelong Education”
Fission-2010 > ECNET “EU-CHINA Nuclear Education and Training Cooperation”
Fission-2009 > GoFastR “European Gas Cooled Fast Reactor”
Fission-2009 > TRASNUSAFE “Training Schemes on Nuclear Safety Culture”
Fission-2009 > LEADER “Lead-cooled European Advanced Demonstration Reactor”
Fission-2008 > ENEN-III “Europen Nuclear Education Network Training Schemes”
2005-06 > ENEN-II “Consolidation of European Nuclear Education, Training and Knowledge Management”
2005-06 > ELSY “European Lead-cooled System”
2005-06 > PUMA “Plutonium and Minor Actinides Management by Gas-Cooled Reactors”
2004 > GCFR “The Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Project”
2004 > EUROTRANS “EUROpean Research Programme for the TRANSmutation of High Level Nuclear Waste in an Accelerator Driven System”
2003 > NEPTUNO “Nuclear European Platform of Training and University Organisations”
2002 > ENEN “European Nuclear Engineering Network”
2001 > RMPS “Reliability methods for passive safety functions”
EAEC-NFS 2 1994 > INCOR “Innovative containment cooling for double concrete containment”
EAEC-NFS 2 1994 > ATHERMIP “Benchmark on containment penetration sealing areas behaviour”